You are under 30 years of age, you have an N, F or B permit, you have an intermediate level of French (B1-B2) and you need help to achieve your professional ambitions?
We will support you throughout the process and meet your needs according to your personal situation.
Are you an organization looking for new talent?
Do you have internship, apprenticeship or first job vacancies to fill?
We offer you a selection of candidates, help you with the administrative formalities and provide follow-up for the young person during the placement period.
You are under 30 years of age, you have an N, F or B permit, you have an intermediate level of French (B1-B2) and you need help to achieve your professional ambitions?
We will support you throughout the process and meet your needs according to your personal situation.
Are you an organization looking for new talents?Do you have internship, apprenticeship or first job vacancies to fill?
We offer you a selection of candidates, help you with the administrative formalities and provide support for the young person during the placement period.

In ------------
Our support is
in several stages:
of a project
Development and
and assessment of
soft skills
and preparation
for interviews
with employers
and business placement
Development of a network
and assessment
of soft skills
of a project
and preparation
for interviews
with employers
and business placement
Development of a network
Workshops -------------
soft --------- skills
With our partner Refugee Voices, we have co-developed workshops to reveal and enhance young people's life skills, enabling them to identify their strengths and reclaim their stories in a positive way.
Theylearn to express the qualities and skills they can bring to the workplace, such as resilience, adaptability, team spirit, determination and empathy.

"Hola Yojoa, I have come out of my interview and I have been accepted for an apprenticeship! I don't know how to thank you for all your help."
Jorge, 20 years old
"Hello Yojoa. I wanted you to be the first to know: I have a permanent job and I am so grateful to you, without you nothing would have been possible. Thank you for believing in me and helping me!"
Kelly, 22 years old
"The internship is great, I feel good there and I am learning a lot, it helps me not only today but also for the future. Before I had nothing, I was bored and spent my time at home doing nothing."
Drake, 19 years old
"Before I came to the workshops I was sad, I was going through a bad time. During these days I laughed a lot and was happy. Now I want to be more active and reach out to others..
Nini, 20 years old
"Through his internship, Huruy was able to meet an employer who believed in his qualities. In a few months, he went from a period of uncertainty to one focused on the future. Yojoa allowed him to regain his confidence, meet the right people and realise his potential."
Antoine, Hospice General
"It's a new life for me. With you, I have discovered everything that is possible in Geneva. The internships have allowed me to meet people and progress, giving me the energy to continue and the motivation for the future."
Raparine, 26 years old

They have hired a number of young talents:

"Hola Yojoa, I have come out of my interview and I have been accepted for an apprenticeship! I don't know how to thank you for all your help."
Jorge, 20 years old
"Hello Yojoa. I wanted you to be the first to know: I have a permanent job and I am so grateful to you, without you nothing would have been possible. Thank you for believing in me and helping me!"
Kelly, 22 years old
"The internship is great, I feel good there and I am learning a lot, it helps me not only today but also for the future. Before I had nothing, I was bored and spent my time at home doing nothing."
Drake, 19 years old
"Before I came to the workshops I was sad, I was going through a bad time. During these days I laughed a lot and was happy. Now I want to be more active and reach out to others..
Nini, 20 years old
"Through his internship, Huruy was able to meet an employer who believed in his qualities. In a few months, he went from a period of uncertainty to one focused on the future. Yojoa allowed him to regain his confidence, meet the right people and realise his potential."
Antoine, Hospice General
"It's a new life for me. With you, I have discovered everything that is possible in Geneva. The internships have allowed me to meet people and progress, giving me the energy to continue and the motivation for the future."
Raparine, 26 years old