
//success story

Najibullah: Champion on the tatami and in life 

"We come from very far, and we have only one goal - to build a life for ourselves. To work, stay on our feet, and get on with our lives. We have no other choice." Najibullah.

He is a two-time Swiss taekwondo champion and a student at the Geneva Hotel Management School. Yet nothing seems to predict this future for him: his remarkable journey proves that. 

When you talk to Najibullah about his life, experiences, and choices, his agility and perseverance immediately stand out. We're not just talking about his taekwondo skills here, but his ability to turn adversity into opportunity.

When he arrives in Switzerland, he obtains an F permit that doesn't allow him to leave the country. A friend advises him to try taekwondo. Najibullah takes a liking to it, to the point that within six months he becomes Swiss vice-champion, without ever having practiced this discipline before. Two months later, he is crowned Swiss champion. He then applies for a visa, which he obtains to participate in international competitions, and visits Europe with the Swiss national team. He wins a second gold medal before retiring to focus on his studies, where his perseverance shines through.

It's hard to believe that when he leaves his native country alone at the age of fifteen, Najibullah is out of school and without diplomas. He then embarks on a journey through a dozen countries, working odd jobs, quickly learning Turkish, and experiencing a series of chance encounters that ultimately lead him to Switzerland.

In Switzerland, he faces new challenges: a foster home, new school, learning French - Najibullah adapts and integrates into his new environment with ease.

His goal is clear: to enter a higher education school. In a professional integration class, he obtains several apprenticeships and internships, notably in car mechanics, which don't completely satisfy him. In 2019, selected among fifty candidates, he begins a CFC in catering at the Geneva Hotel Management School.

In 2022, CFC in hand, he leaves the Hospice Général and exchanges his F permit for the B one. From that point on, there is no stopping him: he enrolls at the Geneva Hotel Management School as a full-time student, achieving his goal. To offset the cost of training, he turns to the CSP, which helps him obtain a scholarship from the Hans Wilsdorf Foundation to finance his studies. He chooses to complete his studies in two years instead of three, once again demonstrating his ambition 

"I never lose confidence in myself. When I start something, I go all the way, whether I like it or not. So far, I haven't done anything halfway," explains Najibullah. 

But why did Najibullah need Yojoa? Because he needs to complete a six-month internship during his studies, and that's where it gets tricky.

"When companies see that we're refugees, they close the door on us. I've experienced that," shares Najibullah.  

A friend advises him to turn to Yojoa, which at that time rents an office in the Regus space in Charmilles, where Marion from the IWG* group works. The Yojoa team and Marion know each other well and exchange regularly.  

One day, Marion is tasked with recruiting an intern for a community associate position for one of their Spaces centers. It's perfect timing, as Yojoa has met Najibullah and recommends his application to Marion, who calls him for an interview. He is chosen among three other candidates and is hired in September 2023.  

"Najibullah's migration background wasn't even mentioned when making the decision. We simply saw a motivated profile recommended by an organization we trust. With Najibullah, all the boxes were checked," shares Marion.  

Marion explains that this fruitful collaboration with Najibullah has even inspired Spaces to develop a partnership with the Geneva Hotel Management School, to allow students to apply more easily for their internships. A great example of the positive impact an opportunity can have, both for a young talent and for a company ready to open up to new profiles. 

Today, Najibullah continues to look to the future with ambition.  

"I've come this far, but it's not the end of the story. I still have a lot to accomplish," he says smiling.

Mission accomplished, as he only has a few exams remaining to obtain his diploma from the Geneva Hotel Management School. In the meantime, he has secured an internship on his own in a bank - a field he has always wanted to explore. Clearly, nothing stops him.

Najibullah has many plans for his future, including opening a hotel school in Afghanistan using the knowledge he has acquired in Switzerland. His goal is to develop his country and and correct its misrepresented image:

"I want people to know the real Afghanistan." Najibullah.

*International Workplace Group (IWG) specializes in flexible workspaces and coworking. It owns several brands, including Regus and Spaces.

Najibullah and Marion at Spaces 